About Tai Chi

Tai chi was originally developed in China as a gentle form of martial art. It is now practiced by millions of people around the world as a highly effective exercise system. Often described as a meditation in motion, tai chi is known to offer a multitude of health benefits. The low impact nature of this soft and flowing martial art form is very accessible to everybody, including those with some physical difficulties.


Practicing Tai Chi

Tai chi (also known as taiji) is performed in a series of slow and fluid, circular forms; its graceful dance-like movements are often described as meditation in motion. Regular tai chi practice promotes a calm and clear state of mind, and can offer many health benefits, such as stress relief, better balance and muscle tone, increased flexibility and better concentration.

Health Benefits of Tai Chi

The numerous health benefits of tai chi are well documented in the clinical field of study. Meditative movements of tai chi promote the proper flow of internal energy throughout the body and help increase the strength and overall well-being. The natural healing power of a body is optimized when the movements are combined with postural alignment, correct breathing and focused mind. Tai chi is often recommended as a complementary therapy to conventional treatment for many ailments including arthritis, high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.

The track record of tai chi in disease prevention is very impressive, and it can be safely said that it is one of the most effective, and affordable insurance policies for preserving our health.

Martial Art Aspects of Tai Chi


Under heaven nothing is more soft and weaker than water. Yet for attacking the hard, the resistant, nothing can surpass it. The weak can conquer the strong, the soft can conquer the hard. Under heaven everyone knows this yet no one seems to apply it.     - Lao Tzu

Every tai chi motion is based on principles of efficient movement and self-defense. Unlike many other martial arts, tai chi does not rely on brute muscular strength, but rather on its principle that the soft will overcome the hard. The low impact nature of tai chi is accessible to all levels of physical ability, and its soft style is particularly suited for those who wish to learn self-defense in a less aggressive manner. It is an excellent martial art system for anyone desiring to incorporate a life-long discipline that builds an internal energy.